Calamity Mod Download Mac

This page describes software not developed by Re-Logic. Software listed on this page has not been tested and is not endorsed by Terraria Wiki, Gamepedia, Fandom, Re-Logic, or their respective employees. Use it at your own risk. By downloading any third party software, you acknowledge that you cannot hold anyone responsible for any adverse effects to your devices, your game, or your online accounts.

An inventory editor is a third-party program that allows adding or removing items from the inventory of a local character, and in many cases, edit other character data.

  • TModLoader will work for Windows, Mac and Linux; How will this affect me? Will my mods still work when Terraria 1.4 is released? When the Terraria 1.4 update happens, your current Terraria install will automatically update to 1.4, thereby making any current non-Steam tModLoader install unable to load due to these version differences.
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Inventory editors are primarily designed for the Desktop version of Terraria. It is strongly advised to back up the character files before proceeding to use any kind of inventory editor.

Terrasavr[edit | edit source]

Calamity Mod Download Mac
Compatible withTerraria1.4.1.1
PlatformAll (web-based)
Link to the site
(alternate link)

Terrasavr is an inventory and character editor in a web-based app which includes a user-friendly interface. It is completely safe to use, since it does not interact with the files in the local Terraria directory in any way. Note that when saving a character file, it will have to be renamed to <name of choice>.plr to be used in-game.

This inventory editor can also be used on Mobile devices since the update. The character files should be located in:

  • /sdcard/Android/data/com.and.games505.TerrariaPaid/Playersor/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.and.games505.TerrariaPaid/Players.
  • Browse > On My (device) > Terraria > Players.

One might want to use the editor in landscape mode on Mobile so that interface elements are not chopped up.

WinTerrEdit[edit | edit source]

Latest version1.10.4
Compatible withTerraria1.4.1.1

WinTerrEdit is a Windows-based inventory and character editor. It works as a standalone executable without any dependencies. It was tested mostly on Terraria versions after Journey's End, but works on versions as far back as

The editor supports editing the character's details, inventory, Piggy Bank, Safe, and some miscellaneous items.

The source code can be found on the official GitHub page.

Terraria InvEdit[edit | edit source]

Terraria InvEdit
Latest version7.0.0
Compatible withTerraria1.3.5.3

Terraria InvEdit is a Windows-based inventory and character editor, designed to be compatible with Steam. The author appears to have abandoned it.[1]

The source code of the application was released to the public and can be used to update the editor to work with newer versions of Terraria, should someone wish to pick it up.

References[edit | edit source]

  1. [] Terraria Inventory Editor (ABANDONED)Aug 29, 2018
  • Servers (TShock)
  • Mods (tModLoader)

Calamity Mod Download Mac

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Projectile/NPC/PrefixDefinition classes, similar to ItemDefinition
ModConfig now supports default values for reference fields, greatly simplifying ModConfig code
(Also defaults to not allowing null values in UI, use NullAllowed to reverse this)
Fix Duplicate 'AssemblyTitle' attribute warnings when upgrading csproj
XML Documentation for MonoMod now automatically provided

Fix proxy issue to fix Mod Browser downloads for proxy users
Fix Coin gun damage issue
Fix Minion Targetting/Double hit issue with some weapons
Fix multiline Header in ModConfig
Fix zip file handling on Mac/Linux, should allow for ModCompile and TexturePack support fixes

How To Download Calamity Mod

Pirated and broken GOG install message alerts
Installed filter on Mod Browser
Mods with chat tags can now be properly sorted and searched in Mod Browser and Mods menus
Search bar for ModConfig
Helpful message for deleting mods in game
AvoidImgur config.json option if you know imgur is blocked in your country

Fix VoidMonolith PreDraw bug
Other small issues fixed

Patreon Thanks
Thanks so much to our Golem level Patrons.

How to Install or Update
Download only the zip that corresponds to your operating system. Unzip the downloaded zip file and then run the installer from the unzipped folder. Now launch Terraria as you normally do. Read the README.txt if the installer doesn't work.